Heatmap of domain transfers between registrars since December 22, 2024
Domains by country of holders’ residence – current numbers for January 20, 2025 and their evolution during the preceding 30 days
Country | Domains | Parked | Trend |
Czechia | 1 354 003 | 17 % | |
Slovakia | 28 586 | 40.8 % | |
USA | 27 122 | 3.9 % | |
Germany | 15 413 | 16.2 % | |
Poland | 7 737 | 8 % | |
UK | 6 210 | 9.3 % | |
China | 5 323 | 1.4 % | |
France | 5 089 | 9.7 % | |
Netherlands | 4 102 | 12.6 % | |
Bulgaria | 3 501 | 2.2 % | |
Switzerland | 2 553 | 16.8 % | |
Austria | 2 491 | 25.5 % | |
Denmark | 2 146 | 5.5 % | |
Hong Kong SAR China | 2 024 | 1.1 % | |
Other | 21 677 | 11.7 % |
Domains by holder’s region of residence in Czechia – current numbers for January 20, 2025
Region | Domains | |
Hlavní město Praha | 424 436 | 424436 |
Jihomoravský | 169 904 | 169904 |
Středočeský | 146 728 | 146728 |
Moravskoslezský | 102 389 | 102389 |
Zlínský | 65 880 | 65880 |
Jihočeský | 57 019 | 57019 |
Ústecký | 52 891 | 52891 |
Pardubický | 51 549 | 51549 |
Královéhradecký | 51 304 | 51304 |
Olomoucký | 47 733 | 47733 |
Plzeňský | 47 571 | 47571 |
Unknown | 41 413 | 41413 |
Vysočina | 39 454 | 39454 |
Liberecký | 39 202 | 39202 |
Karlovarský | 16 530 | 16530 |
Bar chart on the left initially displays current counts of holders. Click the “Play” button to animate the chart or manually drag the slider.
Slope graph on the right shows the changes in the top list of foreign holders over the last 4 years.
Domains by registrars - current numbers and changes in the top list of registrars over last 4 years
Registrar | Domains | DNSSEC (%) | Parked (%) |
INTERNET-CZ | 321 956 | 60 | 9 |
WEDOS | 317 373 | 67 | 14 |
ACTIVE24 | 189 567 | 77 | 32 |
WEBGLOBE | 151 209 | 68 | 14 |
GRANSY | 140 405 | 32 | 12 |
other | 129 954 | 36 | 12 |
ZONER | 64 073 | 79 | 29 |
MEDIA4WEB | 51 064 | 75 | 5 |
WEB4U | 44 347 | 76 | 29 |
THINLINE | 35 533 | 7 | 33 |
1API | 22 620 | 0 | 2 |
WEBSUPPORT | 19 766 | 2 | 47 |