
Daily transfers

Chord diagram of domain transfers between registrars on February 21, 2025
A chord diagram represents flows between several entities, each represented by a segment on the outer part of the circular layout. Chords (arcs) are drawn between each pair of entities, representing bi-directional transfers between them. The size of a chord is proportional to the magnitude of the flow.

Monthly transfers

Heatmap of domain transfers between registrars since January 23, 2025



Number of second-level domains registered in .CZ
The domain counts correspond to the end of each year, and the present day for the current year.


Domains by country of holders’ residence – current numbers for February 21, 2025 and their evolution during the preceding 30 days

Country Domains Parked Trend
Czechia 1 360 123 17.1 %
Slovakia 28 824 40.5 %
USA 27 379 4.5 %
Germany 15 479 15.9 %
Poland 7 719 8.5 %
UK 6 200 10 %
China 5 365 3.1 %
France 5 031 9.4 %
Netherlands 4 109 13 %
Bulgaria 3 517 3 %
Switzerland 2 527 17.5 %
Austria 2 497 26.2 %
Denmark 2 180 5 %
Ukraine 2 102 10.6 %
Other 21 549 10.8 %

Czech regions

Domains by holder’s region of residence in Czechia – current numbers for February 21, 2025

Region Domains
Hlavní město Praha 426 160 426160
Jihomoravský 170 750 170750
Středočeský 147 409 147409
Moravskoslezský 102 900 102900
Zlínský 66 261 66261
Jihočeský 57 178 57178
Ústecký 53 095 53095
Královéhradecký 51 939 51939
Pardubický 51 795 51795
Olomoucký 48 018 48018
Plzeňský 47 727 47727
Unknown 41 205 41205
Vysočina 39 631 39631
Liberecký 39 460 39460
Karlovarský 16 595 16595


Holders by country of residence

Bar chart on the left initially displays current counts of holders. Click the “Play” button to animate the chart or manually drag the slider.

Slope graph on the right shows the changes in the top list of foreign holders over the last 4 years.


Domains by registrars - current numbers and changes in the top list of registrars over last 4 years

Registrar Domains DNSSEC (%) Parked (%)
INTERNET-CZ 323 522 60 8
WEDOS 321 252 82 14
ACTIVE24 190 347 76 32
WEBGLOBE 150 775 67 14
GRANSY 138 996 33 12
other 129 935 36 12
ZONER 64 397 79 29
MEDIA4WEB 51 373 75 5
WEB4U 44 266 77 27
THINLINE 36 317 7 33
1API 22 710 0 3
WEBSUPPORT 20 156 2 47

Domain operations

Registry operations related to domains in the time period before February 22, 2025
Check availability of a domain
Create a domain
Delete a domain
Get info about a domain
Renew a domain
Send authorization info associated with a domain
Transfer a domain
Update a domain

Contact operations

Registry operations related to contacts in the time period before February 22, 2025
Check availability of a contact
Create a contact
Delete a contact
Get info about a contact
Send authorization info associated with a contact
Transfer a contact
Update a contact

Whois requests

Whois requests by user interface in the week before February 22, 2025
RDAP protocol (successor to Whois)
traditional Whois command-line interface
web interface